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Trips & Tours

Students are encouraged to widen their horizons through a variety of activities and outings and these are different in purpose and in length. Many trips and tours are organised for them to seek information regarding history, geography or science, or visits to local institutions and other places of interest among others.

Educational tours typically take place at least once in an academic year. The choice of venue is made keeping in mind the learning objectives of the topic of study and it is followed by detailed arrangements for the same. Students and parents are prepared for the tour with a lecture and highlighting important features of the venue.

During the visit students document details of their own impressions and at the end of the tour, they are assessed on the basis of their presentations of all that they have learnt. Thus, every educational tour comes across as a thorough and in-depth learning experience for students.

News & Events

" School Re-Opens on 8th June 2023 "