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School events support the class room activities and offer new opportunities of learning. Taking the students beyond the classrooms redefines their experiences, exposes them to hire values of life and gives them real life situations to deal with.

As part of our efforts to inculcate in students the appreciation of and respect for our country’s rich heritage and diversity, and also to reinforce in them national pride and respect for all, the school celebrates a number of functions including Grandparents' Day, Diwali, Janmashtmi, Independence Day, Teachers’ day, Children’s day, Teachers' Day, Christmas, Makar Sankranti, Republic Day, Marathi Day, English Day, Sanskrit Day etc.

Throughout the year, each class presents a programme on stage with the theme being either the festival that is being celebrated at that time of the year or any thought-provoking idea that can lend itself to drama, dance or music.

News & Events

School Re-Opens on 10th June 2024.